We create a full service, performance based, lead generation and marketing strategy to book you 5-20 more calls with qualified clients or you don't pay.

Working with 31 active clients

1400+ calls booked this year

$20M+ Pipeline Value Created For Clients


Calls booked with:

36 Meeting Ready Leads in Two Weeks for SEO Client ($300,000+ in pipeline value)

Automotive Robotics Automation Meetings Booked with GM for client LTV $400,000

Booked 5 Meetings Out Of 8 Positive Responses In Less Than Two Weeks For a Music Trade Journal

Custom Software Company (Customer LTV $200,000+). First Time Doing Outreach, 2-3 meetings a week

AI Automation Client In Manhattan, Calls with Microsoft and Fortune 200s etc.

"I started working with MirraPonte in 2022 and the relationship has proven to be invaluable. While my initial offer performed well, Ori and Liz went above and beyond. They thought creatively and presented me with a new opportunity to go after a different target demographic that they suggested would work well with my SEO offer. It's proven to be extremely successful, with multiple qualified leads coming in on a daily basis - they brought me over 50 qualified leads within the past two months with the new offer! I asked for more shots at bat, and they've delivered tenfold."

Nate Callen

Arachna Solutions

Ritz Carlton Nomad Manhattan Booked + Closed for a Client

Hundreds of Thousands of Emails Sent, 75% Open Rates

We install a Cold Outreach and Cold Calling System inside of your business, customized to your customer profile, and we get paid based on results.

3 common mistakes owners make with lead generation..

They’re overspending by hiring agencies that get paid flat monthly rates whether they increase your bottom line or not.

You’re not working with a performance based agency that only gets paid on what they deliver.

They're constantly caught up in the whirlwind of your business.

Owners operate without a scalable plan for lead generation and growth, and get caught up in the day to day low level tasks

They’re not working with a team of seasoned professionals, but “one trick ponies.”

They can’t understand the full scope of what you do from a marketing perspective so they give you half baked solutions.

Lead generation and an integrated marketing strategy are the tip of the spear. Without those processes dialed in and scalable, you’ll always feel like you’re playing catch up.

You’re probably struggling with...

Wasting time and energy on the top of funnel that could be going into scaling or fulfillment

Seeing inconsistent results that aren’t in line with the money you’re spending

Integrating fulfilment with a marketing blueprint that is optimized for your business

Consistently filling your calendar with qualified sales calls every single month

Our Operations Process

For our operations process, we focus on:

Deliverability- 75% open rate per 100,000 emails. Industry average is 20%.

Precise Lead Targeting- Reach only potential customers, pre qualified by job title, company size, revenue etc.

Copy that works- Tested across over 100 campaigns. Using AI, Spintax, and industry specific calls to action.

Outreach is a simple, predictable, and scalable way to increase your bottom line

  • How are you consistently booking calls with prospects?

  • Are the prospects heavily qualified?

  • Is this a scalable process?

By working with us you'll...

Have a performance-based growth partner who is constantly helping you improve and streamline as you scale

Have a steady stream of qualified leads booking into your calendar

Have a marketing strategy that is consistent with your brand

How we helped Kam get 15 leads in 11 days

Take a look at the strategy we used to help Kam, Founder & CEO of KG Digital

The Done-For-You Process is as follows

Book a call

Book into our calendar below to book a discussion about how working with us could be a win/win. We'll talk about your goals, and what processes are currently in place for inbound, outbound, fulfillment, and sales.

Onboarding + Audit

Onboarding is a thorough, customized process where we both set up outreach assets, domains, copy, and emails for you, but also audit and suggest changes to your existing processes to make sure you can convert new leads successfully.

Testing, Communication, Optimization

Weekly feedback, communication (sometimes multiple times a day for handling unique lead situations), and continuous improvement through data driven analysis are a permanent hallmark of our process.

If you haven’t taken a step back to audit and analyze your current marketing approach, you’re behind the 8 ball

There is always something you can be doing to improve, and you need a way to determine what that is and how you can do it.

You’re likely leaving a lot of money on the table. And it’s not just the money, it’s that pit at the bottom of your stomach, the knowledge that your lead generation just isn’t up to par with the standards you’ve set for the rest of your business.

Now you know there’s another way, click the button on the right and book a call with us now.

We’re incentivized to bring you results.

If you aren’t working with a team that only gets paid on the results they’ve created for you, you’re not incentivizing that team to deliver for you.

Is Cold Outreach Enough?

We realized that being exceptional at cold outreach is often not enough. We now take our clients through a comprehensive three step optimization process to ensure they get the best results.

Offer Training

Some offers just...work much more effectively than others even though the fulfillment process is the same. We take you through a 4 step optimization process: Specific Vertical Solution, Unique Mechanism, Price Comparison, Risk Reversal.

Sales Assets Audit

Optimizing outbound requires dialed in sales assets that capture interest and convert. We'll audit your website, landing page, and VSL and share proven SOPs to increase conversion for all three. We want your sales process to be as seamless as possible and we'll work together with you to make that happen.

Sales Audit + Training

We focus on pre sale preparation, call/zoom reviews, and post sale assets and follow up. Instead of a scripted process we use a style based on Ancient Greek rhetoric to help you build trust, emotionally persuade, and pass your prospects' logical due diligence tests to convert outbound meetings consistently to clients.

We’re Ori and Elizabeth

My name is Ori, and I came from the hospitality space, designing and running executive corporate events. My wife, Elizabeth, came from high end lifestyle PR, and we founded Mirraponte on the values of a relationship that’s built on deliverables, warmth, and aligned incentives.

Book your free 30 minute Strategy Call

Working with 31 active clients

1400+ calls booked this year

$20M+ Pipeline Value Created For Clients